FOLLOWERHello everyone.
I know, it’s been a while.
I’ve missed you too:)
Where have I been?
So glad you asked.

I think we all go through seasons in our lives when we need to do less so that we can become more. Over the past while I’ve found myself in the midst of a season of becoming, perhaps I always will be. That being said, I do feel like this last while has taught me so much.

One of those lessons has been a renewed conviction that the message of Jesus is the most essential, indispensable message in human history.


We need to use every medium, every avenue possible, to make this message go viral. Why? Because people are desperately in need of hope, and more importantly, because Jesus deserves his glory.

Fortunately, we live in an age where we have more opportunity to do this than ever. With social media as it is today, we can reach the world as never before with the Gospel of Jesus.

Which brings me to the reason for this post.


I am launching a new project called The Follower Podcast. The purpose of the podcast is to take some of what I was trying to do in a written medium here and make it available to a larger audience in audio form.

I’m asking the question, “Who is Jesus, what is he doing and what does it mean to follow him in the world today?” And I’m inviting everyone to the conversation. 

My desire is that this podcast would be the beginning of a movement that inspires Christians into deeper devotion to Jesus. From belief to discipleship. From acknowledging him to actually following him. And that it would encourage those who have rejected Jesus for all the wrong reasons to take a second look.

Some of this journey started here, with the new radical community, and I would love it if you would come with me into this next season. This will be my last post on this platform. Going forward, you will be able to find everything I do in the following places.

WEBSITE. Sign up here and be the first to know when the podcast goes live (which will be very soon), what new resources are coming and how you can get involved. 

FACEBOOK. For all of you face bookers still left in the world;)

INSTAGRAM. This will be the easiest way to stay up to date with what is happening as it is happening. 

TWITTER. Where I share thoughts that I’m currently thinking and those of authors, thinkers, artists, leaders who are currently inspiring me. 

YOUTUBE. Here you will be able to get all video content from podcasts, talks, resources and more. 

Thats all from me. I leave you with the promo video for The Follower Podcast. If you feel that this is an initiative worth supporting please share this video with everyone you know, on every platform you have, so that as many people can get involved in the conversation as possible. I believe in the message. I believe that Jesus’ story is worth telling, and I’m hoping you will help me do that.

As always, Much Love, Matt